People and Nations Working Together

Missions Bank Project

One way for everyone to participate in the global work of Jim Harper Ministries is through the Missions Bank Project. The purpose of the Missions Bank is to provide an easy way for individuals, families, home groups, children's groups, and even businesses to support the spread of the Gospel through finances and prayer. As one inserts a coin or bill offering into the Missions Bank, they are asked to pray for JHM and the world harvest. When full, the Missions Bank can be taken to a local financial institution and exchanged for a check made payable to Jim Harper Ministries. In this way, everyone can share in the work of this great end time harvest.

Orphans and Street Kids

There is a state of on-going crisis in the countries of the former USSR regarding orphans and street kids. Many children live in utility basements or sewers having run away from home to escape alcoholic parents who are not able to care for them or do not want them all together. Jim Harper Ministries has partnered with several ministry organizations to bring help to these precious and nearly forgotten kids. Some of the activities we are involved in and sponsor are: summer camps for orphans, "warm houses" for orphans who have graduated from high school and have nowhere else to go, supplying food, clothing, etc...

"Ministering to the Hurting and the Hungry Around the World"